Kushinagar is the holy site, where Gautam Buddha attained Mahapariniravana on a bed of leaves beneath the Sal Tree. Interestingly, he was born 80 years ago at Lumbini beneath the Sal Tree only. Kushinagar is an important Buddhist pilgrimage site, where the followers of Buddhism wish to reach at least once in their lifetime. Along-with Lumbini, Bodh Gaya and Sarnath, Kushinagar is considered as the four main sites of pilgrimage in Buddhism.

The name Kushinagar is believed to be adopted after the name of Kush, son of Lord Rama. In 1876, the archaeologists exposed the main stupa of Kushinagar and discovered a long statue of reclining Buddha.

Slowly, it was believed as the place of Mahaparinirvana of Gautam Buddha, and buddhist community regarded it as a sacred destinations. Following places can be visited in modern Kushinagar:

1. Parinirvana Stupa : The stupa houses a large statue of Lord Buddha. The status is approx 6.10 meters long and is made of monolith red-sandstone. It represents the “Dying Buddha” reclining on his right side with his face towards the west. It is placed on a large brick pedestal with stone-posts at the corners.

2. Nirvana Chaitya (Main Stupa) : The ruins of a huge stupa, made of bricks. An ancient copper vessel was discovered at this site, that bears an inscription in ancient Brahmi, which stated that Lord Buddha’s remains had been deposited here. Few silver coins belonging to the emperor Kumar Gupta of the Gupta Dynasty was also found here. It is located just behind the Parinirvana Stupa.

3. Ramabhar Stupa: Also known as Mukutbandhan-Chaitya, is the cremation place of Buddha. This site is 1.5 km east of the main Nirvana Temple on the Kushinagar-Deoria road.

4. Matha Kuar Shrine: A colossal statue of Lord Buddha is installed, which is carved out of one block which represents Buddha seated under the “Bodhi Tree” in a pose known as “Bhumi Sparsh Mudra” (Earth touching attitude). The inscription at the base of statue is datable to the 10th or 11th century A.D.

Apart from these ancient sites, many counties have constructed their own temple and viharas in Kushinagar, just like they constructed in Sarnath, Bodh Gaya and Lumbini. So, there is a Indo-Japan-Sri Lanka Temple, a Thai Temple, a museum and several parks where tourist can spend their time in Kushinagar.