If you are traveling to Varanasi with the family including kids, it is better to know few facts prior to the arrival, so that you have some realistic expectations with the city. Varanasi is great, great for a family and great for the kids, it is a cultural destination of India. It can be an overwhelming experience while traveling with the kids. Few things that tourists should keep in mind while visiting Varanasi are:

1. Food: Varanasi is a paradise for the food lovers. Getting a proper food means half of the journey is over. Varanasi has fresh, healthy and delicious cuisine available right in front of you. Rice, fruits, breads, milk and eggs are easily available in every part of the city. Just keep two things in the mind, 1) Don’t try to search a supermarket to procure them. They are very few in the numbers. Try to get your essential from any grocery store in the vicinity. 2) McDonald’s, Domino’s Pizza and Pizza Hut are available only at 2-3 locations in the city.

2. Water: Most of the people use ground water that is fetched through the submersible pumps/hand pumps. From the local perspective, Ground water is normally considered as pure and uncontaminated. Tap waters are also available at many places, but there is no guarantee of purity. The best method to use the bottled water or purified filtered water, easily available in every part of the city.

3. Crazy Traffic: The traffic patterns in Varanasi will drive you crazy, leave alone the children. Actually, there is no traffic pattern in Varanasi. Never let your children going alone anywhere. At most of the crossings, you may not find a traffic light. When you need to cross the road, hold your child’s hand and wait for the green light on a traffic signal. Always check both ways, even when the green light is on. If no light is there, look for the traffic on both the sides before crossing the road.

Due to the traffic, the air quality is really poor in Varanasi. In case of any allergy with the dust, better to wear protective mask always while roaming in the city.

4. Accessibility: Most of the part in old Varanasi near the river ghats are not suitable for the vehicles. They are the famous narrow alleys of Varanasi. If the kids are too young to walk for miles, then you have to carry them in your lap. Although the river ghats are relatively good for the walks , but in case of the large crowd for any religious ceremony, hold your kids tightly with you. Sometimes, the access from the city side to the river beds are many flight of stairs, which may feel very tiring for the kids. Also, the Funeral Ceremony at the burning ghats may become disturbing for the little one, so it is better to stay away from the burning ghats, while visiting with the kids.

It is better to leave the pram/stroller at home while visiting Varanasi. The roads and streets are not suitable for the prams. The river ghats are also not suitable to carry the pram/stroller. A comfortable child carrying backpack is a wise choice while traveling to Varanasi.

5. Fun Parks: Hardly two or three fun parks (water parks) are there in Varanasi. Most of the time, you have to rely only on the hotel resources for the fun activities and recreational purpose.

6. Medication: Varanasi is a major centre of medication for the most of the population in this part of India. In case of any requirements at urgent basis, good hospitals are available in the city with round the clock services. Most of the medicines and medical supplies are labelled in English. Most of the basic medical essentials like eye drops, antiseptics, bandages, dehydration powders etc are easily available everywhere. However, it is advisable to have a permanent medical kit for the remedies of minor problems like fever, cold, cough and flu.

7. Hygiene: Nappies, Sanitation Pads and Wipes are easily available at the grocery stores and the medical stores. Public toilets are available in the frequently visited areas of Varanasi, but you may not find it everywhere. The public toilets in the city may not have toilet paper or hand sanitizers, so it is advisable to carry them with you. Many times, the people are used to urinate in the open spaces along with the boundary wall of any property. You may have to pass through such areas, while walking in Varanasi. It looks really disgraceful, but do except these type of scenes. The efforts are being made to improve the things slowly.

8. Personal Safety: The people are just superb and very kid friendly in Varanasi which helps make it as an easy going destination for the kids. Many people tend to touch and pull the cheeks of the toddlers to show their affection and love. If you do not like it, better to refuse them politely.

9. Summer Season: Summer season is really hot in Varanasi. Better to stay indoor in the middle of the day, when sun is just overhead with scorching heat. Cover children with full sleeves clothes to avoid sun-burns. Use umbrellas while going for the sightseeing.